4WDriving at West Kunderang

On West Kunderang itself, 4W-Drive tracks are located up-river to the Second River Crossing, subject to river height. As well, the Old Raspberry Fire Trail is a favourite scenic 4W-Drive for visitors to “West Kunderang”. It makes for an enjoyable lunch tour with spectacular views into the Wilderness of Oxley Wild Rivers National Park, and views back down onto “West Kunderang” (from a height of approx. 800m). “River-crossing/Vehicular Boundary Advisory” signs are located at strategic points along these tracks.

Permission is required before attempting this 4W-Drive.

In addition, there are various 4W-Drive tracks accessed from Raspberry Road. This makes West Kunderang an ideal base for several days 4W-Driving in our area.

The Bluff

For those unable to walk to the Bluff Lookout, there is a special concession to drive the 15 min 4WD trip across the 1st X-ing downstream through locked gate (key for access to be organized with Cindy before crossing the river). Continue approximately 400m further along track, follow sign to Bluff Lookout turning right. Follow track up a short rise, continue along track onto bluff for great views of “West Kunderang” camping sites and views up-river.

Allow 1/2 an hour for round-trip.

View our Campsite Map for location of The Bluff Lookout on eastern side of campsites.

Access beyond the Bluff lookout is restricted for management purposes only.

Raspberry Trail

Access Restricted. Guided 4WD Access Only upstream. This trip affords magnificent views across the Apsley and Macleay Gorges from a height of 800mm as well as views back down onto “West Kunderang”. Return trip takes 2 hours.

Driving on West Kunderang

  • Please adhere to road signs (eg. steep descent) and speed signs. The maximum speed limit on West Kunderang is 20 km/hr.
  • The last 6 kms of road on to the property is steep, with deep, purpose built drains to minimise water damage. Approach these water drains slowly to avoid damaging your vehicle.
  • Alternate wheel tracks to reduce the funneling effect, decreasing the risk of water damage.
  • Gates should be left as you found them.
  • Cattle, horses and all wildlife have right of way on all roads.
  • Drive on designated tracks only.
  • Do not attempt river crossings without permission.
  • Motorbikes are not to be ridden on this property.
  • Drive According to the Conditions.

Wet Conditions:

    Do not continue unless Authorised to do so.

Dry Conditions:

    4WD Automatic - Low Range 1st or 2nd gear, 4WD Manual - High Range 1st gear to minimise use of brakes.
    If towing: 4WD - Low range, first gear.

Rest point 1.5km from locked gate to allow brakes to cool if running hot.


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