Day Visitors
Day Visitors are welcome to West Kunderang, and there are BBQ’s, with wood supplied, as well as picnic tables & toilets, provided for their use. All the outdoor recreational activities offered at West Kunderang, can still be enjoyed within this shorter timeframe. As well as, making a day of it driving through the spectacular Styx River State Forest, along Raspberry Road, with glimpses of the Macleay River Gorge below enjoyed from Chicolini’s Lookout as you enter West Kunderang (photo in banner).
On arriving at the main campsite area of West Kunderang, a look through the Old Stockman’s Hut, is a chance to travel back in time & see how our forefather’s lived & worked in this riverine environment. As it is a locked gate access, bookings are still essential for those contemplating a day-visit. Please refer to our Location page.

